Businesses In Meaford 1865
14 retail stores
7 churches
4 hotels
2 tanneries
2 saddle makers and harness shops
5 blacksmiths and wagon makers
2 physicians
3 law offices
1 foundry

Meaford Area Statistics - 1865

 Number of days for mail to get to Toronto from Meaford in Summer

 Annual Salary for Hugh Jordan as constable and Town Hall caretaker

 Cost to rent the town wharf for 1 year

 Grant to St. Vincent Agriculture Society to erect fences for their first show

 Size of Meaford's Grain elevator

 80,000 bu
 Years before the first telegraph received in Meaford

 Population of Meaford

 Barrels of fish shipped from Cape Rich to Toronto


Farm Prices at the Bradford Market June 1864


 6-7 cents per dozen

 18-20 cents /lb

 43-50 cents per bu.


 4.50 c.w.t.

Farm Prices at the Bradford Market April 1865


13 cents per dozen

6.50-7.00 c.w.t.

Wharfage rates at Stevenson's Wharf - Meaford - 1865

 Hogs, sheep and calves

 5 cents
 Horses and Cattle

 25 cents
 Plows, harrows, sleighs

 25 cents

 3 1/2 cents
 Liquor in Barrels

 20 cents

 2 cents per thousand
 Potash in barrels

 12 1/2 cents

Production Statistics - St. Vincent Township - 1861

 Spring Wheat

 67,015 bu
 Fall Wheat

 6,359 bu

 3,438 bu

 31,191 bu

 21,198 bu

 38,670 bu

 40,844 bu

 1,080 barrels
 Fresh Fish

 2,972 barrels
 Maple Sugar

 33,438 pounds

 59,586 pounds

Significant Local events in 1865


A forest fire burned at Mountain Lake for the whole month of July 1865. The smoke from the fire drifted south and with a temperature inversion filled the Bighead River Valley wih smoke. We know that Muir was in the area in July 1865 becasue he notes that he visited the garden of J. Cox. Cox lived near the shore about 3 km from Meaford, and not far from the Trout Family Home.

Town Hall Construction completed at a cost of $2490